Vegan-friendly: certificate for the canteen on campus Essen

Healthy, tasty and affordable, now also with PETA seal of approval

The canteen at our campus in Essen has made it! It has been awarded the coveted seal for vegan-friendly canteens by the animal rights organization PETA.

What's behind the success?

  • Creativity and variety: the canteen kitchen focuses on fresh, seasonal ingredients and does not use artificial meat substitutes. Instead, the focus is on pulses and vegetables, prepared into delicious, wholesome dishes.
  • Quality over quantity: the focus is on taste, appearance and freshness. The dishes are prepared with great attention to detail and presented attractively.
  • Inexpensive and sustainable nutrition: Thanks to dynamic pricing, vegan dishes are often cheaper than their meat-based predecessors.
  • Motivation and teamwork: The employees were actively involved in the process and developed new, delicious recipes with a lot of creativity.

Why vegan?

  • Health: A plant-based diet is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals and can reduce the risk of many diseases.
  • Sustainability: The production of plant-based foods has a significantly lower impact on the environment than animal farming.
  • Our commitment to animal rights: We offer our students vegan alternatives. In this way, we make it possible for them to make a contribution to animal welfare with a partially or completely vegan diet.


The canteen at our campus in Essen shows that vegan food can not only be healthy and sustainable, but also delicious and affordable. With the PETA seal, this offer has now also been independently confirmed.

Further information:

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