About us
We, the Studierendenwerk Essen-Duisburg, accompany students during their studies with numerous services in the areas of accommodation, nutrition and finances. We support and advise on social issues, assist in challenging situations and also create cultural offerings.
We enable students to fully concentrate on their studies.
We are the student service provider for:
Organisational structure
Legal basis
Student Services Act (StWG)
The legal basis for the work of Studierendenwerk Essen-Duisburg is the Law for Student Services of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (Studierendenwerksgesetz).
Supervisory authority
The Ministry of Culture and Science is the responsible authority for Studierendenwerk Essen-Duisburg.
Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Völklinger Straße 49, 40190 Düsseldorf
Semester Contribution
As a solidarity contribution to finance the service offers for students by Studierendenwerk Essen-Duisburg, every student pays a semester fee to the Studierendenwerk (currently 110,00 €).
Please Note: The amount of the semester contribution varies from university to university. The amount includes in addition to the semester contribution for the Studentenwerk (this is equal for all students) amounts for the semester ticket, for the students councils, and possible deposits for the student ID. The amount of the total amount will be announced by each institution.
More information about the semester contribution:
- University of Duisburg-Essen: www.uni-due.de/scies/Semester_und_Sozialbetrag
- Hochschule Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences: www.hochschule-ruhr-west.de/studium/studienfinanzierung/
- Folkwang University of the Arts: www.folkwang-uni.de/home/hochschule/studium/rueckmeldung-sozialbeitrag/
Main bodies
Management board
Dipl.-Kfm. Michael Dahlhoff is the managing director of the STUDIERENDENWERK.
Axel Trösken is the deputy managing director.
Administrative board
The members of the administrative board are elected every two years by the Rector’s Office, the Senate, the Student Parliament and the staff meeting.
The current term of office of the administrative board ends on 31.03.2025.
The administrative board is made up of:
Four students from universities under the responsibility of the STUDIERENDENWERK:
- Pascal Winter, Universität Duisburg-Essen (Chairman)
- Frauke Pohlschmidt, Universität Duisburg-Essen
- Lars Hohendahl, Hochschule Ruhr West
- Cora Liebscher, Folkwang Universität der Künste
One other member from a university under the responsibility of the STUDIERENDENWERK:
- Vera Timmerberg, Folkwang Universität der Künste (Deputy Chairman)
Two members of the STUDIERENDENWERK staff:
- Christine Albrecht
- Andreas Beuchel
One person with expert knowledge of or professional experience in the business, legal or social field
- Marten Dahlhaus
One member of the Rector’s Office or the Executive Committee of a university under the responsibility of the STUDIERENDENWERK
- Dipl.-Kfm. Jens Andreas Meinen, Chancellor of the University of Duisburg-Essen
The duties of the administrative board are to:
- issue and amend the statutes,
- issue and amend the dues schedule,
- submit proposals to the Ministry of Science and Research on appointment and dismissal of the managing director
- regulate the terms of service of the managing director
- issue and amend guidelines for the management board of the Studentenwerk and supervise compliance with them
- adopt a resolution on the annual business plan, including summary of positions
- receive and consider the annual report of the managing director and establish the year-end closing
- adopt a resolution on formal approval of the managing director based on the auditor’s report
- appoint the auditor
- take decisions on all other matters relating to the Studierendenwerk, insofar as they do not concern its leadership and management.
Corporate Governance Report
Deutsches Studierendenwerk (DSW)
The Deutsches Studierendenwerk (German National Association for Student Affairs - DSW) is a voluntary association of Germany’s 57 Studentenwerke (student services organisations). These organisations fulfil public tasks in the provision of economic, social, health and cultural support to students enrolled at all German higher education institutions.
ARGE Studierendenwerke NRW
he Student Services in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia have formed a team in order to join forces. This team is called: “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Studierendenwerke NRW” (NRW Student Services Team).
The function of the team is to support the activities of its members through concerted action. The team’s duties especially include:
- Formulation of common goals and concepts for further development of the Student Services
- Exchange of experience and organization of training sessions
- Representation of Student Services’ common interests in the state of NRW
- Organization and coordination of common duties
- Development of joint public relations and continual public presence
- Coordination of positions among the Student Services with regard to the parent organization DSW
- Development of common standards
Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband
Studierendenwerk Essen-Duisburg is a member of a welfare association called Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband (DPWV).
Darlehenskasse der Studierendenwerke e.V. (Daka)
Die Darlehenskasse der Studierendenwerke e.V. offers interest-free loans to students in financial distress. Amount and duration of the loan, depend on individual needs.