
In our cantines and cafeterias, we follow the guidelines that have been jointly drawn up by the general Deutsches Studierendenwerk (German National Association for Student Affairs or DSW) and in cooperation with the Deutsches Institut für Gemeinschaftsgastronomie (German Institute for Public Catering).
1. Sustainable products
We promise to aim for sustainability in our purchases of food. We increasingly make use of fish from sustainable fish stocks and meat from sources where the animals are treated properly. If possible, we also use regional, organic or Fairtrade products.
2. Traceability
Safety and traceability are the top priorities for foods that we use. We make checks through supplier audits and microbiological tests. We treat our suppliers fairly.
3. Quality in food
When planning our meals, we are directed by visitors’ wishes and we place great importance on freshness, quality, variety, nutritional physiology and optimising nutritional value. We do without additives that need to be labelled wherever possible. We do not use genetically modified foodstuffs.
4. Preventing rubbish
Wherever possible, we do not use disposable items or unnecessary packaging materials for ecological reasons. Our priority is to prevent the accrual of rubbish. As much waste as possible is recycled.
5. Hygiene
Each student facility has an end-to-end hygiene concept to guarantee our high hygiene standards. This is regularly checked by state and outside institutions
6. Quality assurance
A quality assurance system exists to guarantee consistently high quality standards for all production stages and goods. It is constantly being updated.
7. Employee encouragement
Our members of staff are crucial for the success of our facilities. We deliberately encourage them and offer then further training courses on a regular basis. We train people for different careers.
8. Saving resources
We handle the resources available to us carefully and sparingly.
9. Customer opinions
Our guests’ opinions are important to us. We therefore conduct satisfaction and visitor surveys on a regular basis to provide feedback. The results are incorporated in our work.
10. Audits
These guidelines are regularly checked by authorised, outside companies.

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