How to reach us
Studierendenwerk Essen-Duisburg AöR
Reckhammerweg 1
45141 Essen
Phone: +49 201 82010-111
You have something to suggest, to criticize or to praise?
We are pleased about your message!

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Opening hours
Mon to Thur 07:30 am - 05:00 pm
Fr 07:30 am - 04:00 pm
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Advisory Services

Advisory Services
On-site consulting
by appointment
Telephone consultation
Thu 11:00 am - 01:00 pm
Video consultation
Thu 11:00 am - 01:00 pm (book online meeting)
and by appointment
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Data Protection

Data Protection
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Head of General Administration

Head of General Administration
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Opening hours
Mon - Fri
07:15 am - 4:15 pm
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Opening hours
Mon to Thur 07:30 am - 05:00 pm
Fr 07:30 am - 04:00 pm
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