
Party-related foundations
Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Full scholarship
- Support for undergraduate, doctoral programmes and habilitation
- Voluntary and sociopolitical commitment, good university grades
- German nationality or status in accordance with Section 8 BAföG
- Maximum age when support commences: 35
- Foreign students according to section16b AufenthG no more than 30 years old and completed basic course
- At least 4 semesters regular eligibility period remaining on acceptance
- Possible for students who fled (refugees)
- Personal expert report and expert report by university lecturer
Further information:
Heinrich Böll Foundation
Full scholarship
- Support for undergraduate and doctoral programmes
- Outstanding achievements and social commitment
- German nationality or status in accordance with Section 8 BAföG
- Foreign students according to section 16b AufenthG: Application by the 1st semester in the master's or main study program
- At least 4 semesters of regular funding remaining at the time of taking up the scholarship
- Support for refugee students in their first degree or master's degree/state exam/diploma regardless of semester
- expert report
Further information:
Rosa Luxemburg Foundation e.V.
Full scholarship
- Support for undergraduate und doctoral programmes
- Outstanding achievements and political or social commitment
- German nationality or status in accordance with Section 8 BAföG: BA from 2nd semester, MA from 1st semester
- Foreign students according to section16b AufenthG with very good knowledge of German
- At least 4 semesters of regular funding remaining at the time of taking up the scholarship
- Funding possible for refugees
- Where candidates are equally qualified, preference is given to women, socially disadvantaged people and people with disabilities
Further information:
Friedrich Ebert Foundation
Full scholarship
- Support for undergraduate und doctoral programmes
- Sociopolitical commitment, personal ambition, outstanding achievements
- German nationality or status in accordance with Section 8 BAföG
- Foreign students according to section16b AufenthG with very good knowledge of German: Application for BA in 3rd semester at the latest, application for MA before 1st semester.
Further information:
Friedrich Naumann Foundation
Full scholarship
- Support for undergraduate and doctoral programmes
- Sociopolitical commitment based on liberal beliefs
- German nationality or status in accordance with Section 8 BAföG: Application from the 1st semester
- Foreign students according to section 16b AufenthG: Application by the 1st semester in the master's or main study program
- At least 2 semesters of regular funding remaining at the time of taking up the scholarship
- Study abroad possible (max. 12 months)
Further information:
Hanns Seidel Foundation
Full scholarship
- Support for undergraduate and doctoral programmes
- Sociopolitical commitment or involvement in the Church
- Outstanding academic achievements
- German nationality or status in accordance with Section 8 BAföG: Maximum age limit at start of funding 32 years
- At least 4 semesters of regular funding remaining at the time of taking up the scholarship
Further information:
Religious-related foundations
Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V.
Full scholarship
- Support for undergraduate and doctoral programmes
- Membership of Protestant church (otherwise special application)
- demonstrable commitment in the church, social or political field (expert report)
- German citizenship or status according to section 8 BAföG and good German language skills (DSH, TestDaf): maximum age limit at the start of funding 35 years (otherwise special application), application up to the 4th semester
- Support for refugees possible (no maximum age limit)
- Study support only if no studies have been completed yet
- Doctoral scholarships for above-average performance
Further information:
Cusanuswerk (catholic)
Full scholarship
- Support for undergraduate and doctoral programmes
- Membership of catholic church (otherwise special application)
- excellent academic performance and interdisciplinary interest
- German citizenship or status according to section 8 BAföG and good German language skills (DSH, TestDaf)
- at least 5 semesters of regular funding in the BA program or 4 semesters of regular funding in the MA program at the time the scholarship is taken up
- Doctoral scholarships in case of above-average performance
Further information:
University-related foundations
Duisburg-Essen University Foundation (emergency aid scholarship)
Full scholarship
- Awards to students in emergency situations (e. g. illness, residence problems)
- Focus of support on final stage of studies
- Application at the Studierendenwerk Essen-Duisburg
UDE Scholarship/Germany Scholarship
Partial scholarship
- Support for undergrate programs (no doctoral programs)
- Support of excellent students
- most important criterion is performance (average study grade or "good" Abitur grade)
- for all students of the UDE who are in the standard period of study or prospective students before their first semester at the UDE
- 300,00 € per month for at least one year
- Awarded for the winter semester
- Subsequent application possible
Further information:
Foundation of German Business
Full scholarship
- Support for undergraduate and doctoral programs
- Performance in the upper third
- social commitment
- German citizenship or status according to section 8 BAföG and good German language skills (B2 or DSH-2): maximum age limit at start of funding 32 years
- at least 5 semesters of regular funding left at the start of the scholarship (incl. Master)
Further information:
Hans Böckler Foundation
Full scholarship
- Support for undergraduate and doctoral programs
- trade union or socio-political commitment
- German citizenship or status according to section 8 BAföG and good German language skills (C1)
- Application up to the 4th semester in the BA (exception: later application possible if a Master's program is connected)
- Funding possible in the MA if this icludes at least 4 semesters of regular study time
- Doctoral scholarships in case of above-average performance: Maximum age limit at start of funding 40 years
Further information:
Upgrading Scholarship
Full Scholarship provided by SBB - Stiftung Begabtenförderung berufliche Bildung
- Support for first academic degree at a state or state-approved higher education institution (full-time or work-based)
- Eligibility criteria: vocational or professional development training completed; no higher education qualification; evidence of particular suitability in training or profession (e.g. grades or justified proposal by employer); two years’ vocational experience after completion of training at time of application
- Applications possible up to end of second semester of study
- Support as a lump sum, independent of the income
- Online applications; selection procedure in several stages
Further information:
Reemtsma Begabtenförderungswerk
Partial scholarship
- Support for undergraduate programs
- Support for gifted and talented pupils and students from low-income families
- Maximum age limit at the beginning of funding: 30 years old
- Funding only for first degree and max. 9 semesters
Further information:
German National Academic Foundation
Full scholarship
- Nominations and direct applications + selection test;
- Outstanding achievements, initiative and responsibility
- German students and students from EU Member States and foreign students with the status in accordance with Section 8 BAföG
Further information:
Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk
Full scholarship
- Support for undergraduate and doctoral programmes
- Main focus of support on Jewish students (although non-Jewish students may also apply in certain cases)
- German national or status in accordance with Section 8 BAföG
- above-average school and study performance
- From beginning of application process, five semesters remaining to the end of studies (including master's course)
Further information:
Otto Bennecke Foundation
Individual support as needed
- Support of courses, counseling and grants for living expenses and accommodation costs for young immigrants
- Support for ethnic German repatriates (spouses if entering country together) and
- People entitled to asylum (Artikel 16 a Grundgesetz (Asyl) and § 25 Absatz 1 Aufenthaltsgesetz)
- Refugees of the Geneva Convention (§ 25 Absatz 2 Aufenthaltsgesetz in combination with § 3.1 oder § 4.1 Asylverfahrensgesetz)
Further information:
German University Foundation (Support program: Medicus)
Grant for books
- Study place in a medical degree programme at a German university in the first or max. second semester
- For students from non-academic families, so-called "first-generation students", and/or from refugee areas with German at C1 level
- BAföG or adequate financing
Further information:
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