
Consultation by phone

Tue: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Thu: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Please contact the person, who is responsible for your case.
You can find a list of all clerks at the bottom of this page.
The person responsible for your case is based on your surname. It is also listed at the top left of each of our letters.

Personal consultation by appointment only

Wed: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Address: Reckhammerweg 1, 45141 Essen

E-mail contact

E-mail: bafoeg[@]

De-Mail*: bafoeg[@]

  • *What is a De-Mail address?

    De-Mail offers advantages over conventional e-mail in terms of data security and traceability, among other things.

    If you want to send us a De-Mail, you will need a De-Mail address yourself. You can find more information about De-Mail and possible providers of the e-mail service on the website of the Bundesministerium des Innern, für Bau und Heimat.

How you can send in your application to us

You would like to submit your first or your follow-up BAföG application?

Please submit your application via the online platform: www.bafö


If your application is being processed, if you have specific questions about funding or if you need advice on your notification, your administrator will be happy to help you.

You will find the relevant contact details under the first letter of your surname.

kein Bild vorhanden
S. Bauer
Bm to Dem / Wa to Weil
Administrator BAföG
kein Bild vorhanden
H. Aydin
Say to Tag / Yn to Zaq
Administrator BAföG
kein Bild vorhanden
B. Scholz
Mat to Ot / Yasp to Yildiy
Administrator BAföG
kein Bild vorhanden
A. Winkelhake
Jak to Koc / Wili to Woq
Administrator BAföG
kein Bild vorhanden
H. Miguel
Aa to Alj
Administrator BAföG
kein Bild vorhanden
S. Kasimir
Alk to Bei / Va to Vis
Administrator BAföG
kein Bild vorhanden
J. Bomm
Tah to Uz / Zh to Zz
Administrator BAföG
kein Bild vorhanden
M. Durmus
Gue to Jaj / Weis to Wilh
Administrator BAföG
kein Bild vorhanden
N. Mintzas
Ou to Sax / Yildiz to Ym
Administrator BAföG
kein Bild vorhanden
N. Kandemir
Kod to Mas / Wor to Yaso
Administrator BAföG
kein Bild vorhanden
J. Gerlach
Cp to Far / Walm to Weir
Administrator BAföG
kein Bild vorhanden
C. Schulte
Fas to Gud / Zar to Zg
Administrator BAföG