Enjoy dining
with us

Candle Light Dinner

Sophisticated cuisine, four courses and a festive dinner atmosphere in the middle of the Mensa: Welcome to our Candle Light Dinner!

After not being held for several years due to the Corona pandemic, our popular dinner format is now returning to campus - first as a single date.

Students: 37,80 €
Staff and external guests: 42,00 €

Physical limitations/accessibility
The dinner will take place at high tables. If you need barrier-free conditions, please contact our team in advance. Please take this into account when registering.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

  • Review: Menu for 27.12.2023

    Starter (served at the table)
    Lamb's lettuce with potato and bacon dressing
    Lamb's lettuce with vinaigrette - vegan -

    Soup (served at the table)
    Cream of pointed cabbage soup with meatballs
    Pointed cabbage soup with Green Mountain meatballs - vegan -

    Main course (served at the grill wok station)
    Low-temperature cooked beef rump on chilli and wild mushrooms
    Dorade fillet on vegetable Mie noodles
    Oriental red cabbage roulade filled with Bulgur - vegan -

    Dessert (served at the table)
    Coconut panna cotta with raspberry puree and baked mutzen - vegan -

Dates and tickets

New dates will be announced on this site.

Stephanie Wehrel
Head of Eventmanagement